Order & Checkout

How do I place an order?

To place your order, simply select the item(s) that you wish to purchase and add it to your cart. Then, proceed to the checkout page, fill in your personal information and pay for your order.

Please make sure you have filled in your details correctly to ensure that you receive all the necessary info by e-mail and that your order is delivered without any complications.

Can I cancel my order?

Yes, we can cancel any order that hasn’t yet left our warehouses. You must contact us within 30 days of purchase so that we'll be able to process your request.

If you want to cancel your order, please send us an email to shop@little-laurel.com with the subject line “Cancel order”

Which payment options do you have?

We accept online payments with the following payment methods and credit cards: Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Diners Club, Discover

What happens with my personal data when I place an order?

We understand your personal data are valuable to you. That is why we process and secure them with the utmost care. With us, you can count on the safety of your data. We follow the applicable laws and regulations.

Read our full privacy policy here.